
To impart training to farmers on modern scientific farming.

To start nurseries for providing high yielding and hybrid varieties of seedlings.

To create awareness among the farmers by producing and introducing value added products.

To set up plants to process neera , manufacture coconut milk powder and coconut oil without adulterants.


vadakara, the land of ball copra has lost much of its sheen in the recent past.We at the company intend to inspire the coconut farmers to regain the lost glory by providing necessary inputs like providing quality seedlings viz hybrid and high yielding varieties encouraging use of scientific and organic farming methods, creating awareness among them the endless possibility of diversifying the products to capture the market apart from the traditional ones.

Health Benefits

Neera has amazing health benefits:
1.It is rich in minerals and vitamins and is one of the best natural health drinks.
2. It is a body cooler and is good for digestion.
3. Neera has very low glycemic index, so it does not raise the blood sugar levels like regular fruit juices and even diabetic patients can drink it safely.
4. Frequent consumption of neera prevents diseases like jaundice and keeps one healthy.
5. It is a natural detox drink that does not have any side effects. so try substituting colas with neera to get all the benefits of this amazing natural drink.


vascular sap collected from immature unopened coconut inflorescence is popularly known as “Neera” in fresh form. It is a sugar containing juice and is a delicious health drink and a rich source of sugars, minerals and vitamins. It is sweet and oyster white in colour and translucent. High quality is maintained through out the process of production of all the products derived from neera by strict compliance to the guidelines stipulated by CDB.

About Us

Vadakara Coconut Farmers Producer Company Limited with office at Al Diyafa Complex, Co - Operative Hospital Road, Karimbanapalam, Vadakara -673101, Kozhikode District, Kerala is involved in the production of coconut based products and have established and commissioned Neera Processing Plant at Chemmarathur for production of Neera, the health drink,obtained from the vascular sap of coconut palms. VCFPCL has been formed by federating 143 Coconut Producer Societies through 11 Coconut Producer Federations in Kozhikode District with over 13000 farmers and is situated at Vadakara, the heart of coconut producing area. The Neera plant established at Chemmarathur, Kottapally Village, Thiruvallur Panchayat in Vadakara Taluk of Kozhikode District has a processing capacity of 12,000 litres of Neera per day and has been built at a project cost is 270.12 lakhs. The company was inaugurated on 18th February 2015 and registered with The Registrar of Companies on 08th April 2015 The Plant was inaugurated in 29th January 2016 and has been in operation since then. Neera is now being recommended as a health drink by various renowned medical institutions for patients recovering from various illnesses.


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Neera is the premium product of VCFPC, Vadakara. The other products are virgin coconut oil,
double filtered coconut oil, Neera honey, Neera chocolates, Neera vinegar and Jaggery.

Product Details

de cocos Veggi Wash

Extracted From de cocos Neera Vinegar

Product Details

de cocos Neera

A Unique Health Drink From the blessed land of Kerala

Product Details

de cocos Neera Honey

Natural de cocos Neera Honey

Product Details

de cocos Virgin Coconut Oil

Naturalde cocos Virgin Coconut Oil

Product Details

de cocos Neera Vinegar

Natural de cocos Neera Vinegar

Product Details

de cocos Double Filtered Coconut Oil

Natural de cocos Double Filtered Coconut Oil

Product Details

de cocos Neera Chololate

de cocos Coco Bite

Product Details

de cocos Bio Dish Wash

Extracted From Neera Vinegar

People Behind

 Directors of the VCFPC Ltd :

  • Prof. E Sasindran


  • K Sadanandan

    Vice Chairman

  • K P Vipin kumar

    Vice Chairman

  • E.K. Karunakaran




  • Balan T


  • Anandan K








  • K P Ashraf




Get in Touch

 All your suggestions and comments are welcome. Please contact us at :

Call Us

Office:+91 42592598
Vice Chairman :
+91 9446522107,
+91 9048906948
Chairman: +91 9495661781

Email Us



VCFP Company,
Karimbanapalam P.O.,
Vadakara. Kozhikode. 673101


looking forward to hearing from you!